Your Donations Matter!

By donating, you help us to be able to have programs available to

Assist our Veterans, Service Members and their Families
Support youth programs in and for our community
Provide patriotic services for our community
And/or provide social events/facilities for our Legion family members

Please consider donation options below

Online through Paypal

You can donate online through our Paypal button below.

Clicking the button above will open a pop-up window.

Consider donating one time or make it a monthly donation subscription. You can select the program group you'd like your donation to be applied to.

Fry's Community Rewards

Donate without spending extra money!
Now that Fry's stores are open in Queen Creek, please consider linking your rewards card to our community rewards account to help us raise money for our American Legion programs that assist veterans, youth and our local community as well as for a permanent post home. If you shop at Fry's, they can contribute part of the money you spend to help support us. Let's do this together!

To Use the Fry's Community Rewards Program:
Please visit Once logged into their Fry's account search for American Legion Post 129 either by name or MU427 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.
*Customers must have a registered Fry's rewards card account to link to us.
*If you do not yet have a Fry's rewards card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Fry's store.
REMEMBER, purchases will not count until after you register your rewards card.
Participants must swipe their registered Fry's rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Fry's rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.
We get these donations from Kroger quarterly. We appreciate your support!

By Mail

You can donate by mail by sending a check made out and mailed to

Duane Ellsworth American Legion Post 129
PO Box 671, Queen Creek, AZ 85142

You can also specify what program(s) you would like your donation to be used for.

Bill Pay

Same as By Mail above, you can set up one time or recurring donations through your Online Bill Pay service
provided by your bank or financial institution to

Duane Ellsworth American Legion Post 129
PO Box 671, Queen Creek, AZ 85142

You can also specify what program(s) you would like your donation to be used for.

Planned Giving

Planned giving is the process of thoughtfully including a charitable gift in your estate plans. It is a method of establishing your legacy of support for the organization you love while providing for your current financial needs. You can help ensure that The American Legion has a lasting impact for the generations that follow by providing for the continuation of our many programs and services that enhance the lives of those we serve.

Philanthropy and individual gifts have been essential in shaping the history of our organization, and these contributions will play an important role in its promising future. Your actions now can have a profound impact in the life of another person. And you can help contribute to that future by including The American Legion in your estate and other financial preparations.

Although supporting national American Legion programs is a great option, please consider including Duane Ellsworth American Legion Post 129 as a potential recipient in your prepared final giving plans. Such donations would greatly benefit our ability to provide services and programs to local veterans, service members, their families and our local communities. You can visit American Legion Gift Legacy for more information. As always, make sure to review with your financial advisor(s).

Copyright © 2025
Duane Ellsworth American Legion Post 129
PO Box 671, Queen Creek, AZ 85142

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